Bhudi Mudra
Posted on October 8th, 2015
Try Bhudi Mudra (fluid mudra) to help nourish the water element, balance your second chakra, and restore fluidity and easeful emotional flow in your being.
According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha, the air element, gets aggravated in the Fall. As the winds start to pick up, we begin to dry out. Our lips get chapped, our skin feels dry and we reach more often for the lotion. As the leaves start to turn their beautiful colors, dry up, and fall off, we also start to feel parched and depleted. We experience the same effects as nature because we are made up of the same elements. Ayurveda suggests nourishing the water element inside us to bring vata dosha back into balance. The grounding, stabilizing, water element offers fluidity and lubrication for the internal dryness.
Bhudi Mudra can help revitalize and maintain fluid balance in our bodies which are 50-70% water. This simple sacred gesture, helps when you have dry and burning eyes, or dryness in the mouth, kidney and bladder issues. It is said to improve the sense of taste, which is the sense organ for the second chakra.
Balance Vata Dosha in the palm of your hands
Posted on December 3rd, 2014
Are you feeling a bit scattered, overwhelmed, fragmented this Fall. Is it difficult to focus and complete projects? If you are harvesting your living space, did you run into some difficulties? Suddenly you wanted to clear everything out all at the same time and there were piles everywhere and you flitted from one pile to the next and nothing got organized and it all became too much?You might be feeling the effect of Vata dosha out of balance. According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha, the air element, tends to gets out of balance in the Fall. The qualities of vata are dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, clear, and erratic.Is your skin suddenly super dry? Just last week my skin started getting really chapped and I started reaching for the lotion constantly. We’re feeling dry at the same time as these leaves are turning their beautiful colors, drying up, and falling off. We feel these same effects as nature because we are made up of the same elements.Other vata qualities we experience in the Fall is the erratic weather. One minute it’s warm and the next cold and rainy. With the windy Fall days, we feel the mobile quality. You may experience this increased erratic and constant movement reflected in your thoughts. Are your thoughts spinning all over the place making you feel fragmented and overwhelmed? Have you been experiencing insomnia from racing thoughts?
Mudra to Balance Vata Dosha
Mudras, are sacred hand gestures that redirect prana and enhance vitality. They assist us in connecting with cosmic consciousness and shifting negative energy to positive energy.
Sit in a comfortable position.
Place your middle finger on your thumb and put all the rest of your fingers at the base of your thumb. It looks like a hook.
Rest your hands on your lap.
Relax and breathe deeply.
Stay here for 5-8 minutes.