It’s Spring! It’s time to cleanse the Winter muck and the accumulation toxins out of your system. This sequence cleanses your organs, deeply opens your hips and invites a state of balance and vibrancy into your body and mind. According to Chinese Medicine, Spring is the time to detox the liver and gallbladder organs. The Spring Cleanse Flow is a powerful advanced asana sequence that releases congestion in the liver and gall bladder meridians to powerfully cleanse the organs and bring clarity and vitality to your being.
As the gorgeous green sprouts push their way up out of the ground in Spring, this young yang energy catapults us out of our hibernation too. Hold on because it can be a bumpy ride!! Are your hips, shoulders, and neck tight? Do you have headaches, or have skin issues? Do you feel irritable, stressed out or restless? If yes, you might be experiencing stagnation in your liver and gall bladder organs and tightness in their associated energy channels and this practice is perfect for you!
Focus: twists, hips, lotus, detox, core, balance
Apex: Rooster pose (Kukkutasana)
Level 3 45 min